100 Scholars Research Award

The 100 Scholars Research Award is designed to recognize exemplary research or creative activities of a tenured faculty member. The recipient will be a senior faculty member (associate or full professor), performing well above the standard level of faculty research within the last five years.


Nomination by Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Materials by Monday, February 21, 2025

Email Nominations to: Dr. Ross Gosky with SUBJECT LINE: 100 Scholars Research Award

Application Information

  • The recipient will be selected in March and will be honored at the faculty awards reception in the Spring.
  • The monetary award of $1000 (if sufficient funding is generated by the endowment) will be administered in the Graduate School as an expense account.
  • The funding may be used for any non-salary expense related to performing the research or creative activities in the project, including purchase of equipment and supplies, and travel for data collection or dissemination.
  • The recipient must spend the funds by May 15 in the year awarded.


  • Faculty members must be tenured, with at least five years of documentable research / creative activity.
  • Faculty members must have a clearly defined current or proposed project for which the funding will be used.

Application Process

The application packet must include at least one letter of nomination. Two other letters of support are permitted and should be from either the chair or a faculty colleague familar with the nominee's research project.

The application must:

  1. Describe the project for which the funds will be used, including the impact of the project and plans for dissemination of results
  2. Succinctly list the research / creative accomplishments from the last five years

Selection Criteria

The award winner should be a senior faculty member (associate or full professor), performing well above the standard level of faculty research.

Sustained research or creative production

  • C.V. that documents a long-term research agenda and significant research or creative productivity
  • Clear project description—either extending existing research or creative production or developing a new line of enquiry or creativity
  • Potential contribution of proposed project to the discipline or to the public understanding of the discipline
  • Clear plans for dissemination

All other things being equal, any of the following should be given extra weight in the following order:

  • External funding
  • Research fitting into App State's targeted research/creative areas: environment, energy, health and human services, Appalachian culture and heritage, teacher effectiveness, artistic production and performance
  • At some level, rank and length of service at App State should be factored into the decision.


Faculty, staff, and friends of Appalachian State University

Past Recipients

  • 2023-2024: Dr. Judkin Browning, History
  • 2022-2023: Not Awarded
  • 2021-2022: Dr. John Whitehead, Economics
  • 2020-2021: Dr. Baker Perry, Geography and Planning
  • 2019-2020: Dr. Melissa Gutschall, Nutrition and Health Care Management
  • 2018-2019: Dr. Alecia Jackson, Leadership and Educational Studies
  • 2017-2018: Dr. Robert Creed, Biology
  • 2016-2017: Dr. David Koppenhaver, Reading Education and Special Education
  • 2015-2016: Dr. Suzanna Brauer, Biology
  • 2014-2015: Dr. Peter Soule, Geography and Planning
  • 2013: Dr. Timothy Silver, History
  • 2012: Dr. Johnny Waters, Geology
  • 2011: Dr. Kin-Yan Szeto, Theatre and Dance
  • 2010: Dr. Richard Gray, Physics and Astronomy
  • 2009: Dr. Joseph Bathanti, English
  • 2008: Dr. William Harbinson, Music; Dr. Howard Neufeld, Biology
  • 2007: Dr. Jeffrey Bortz, History
  • 2006: Dr. James A. Winders, History
  • 2005: Dr. Edwin Arnold, English
  • 2004: Dr. Vicki Martin, Biology
  • 2003: Dr. Ana Merino, Foreign Languages & Literatures
  • 2002: Dr. Kristen St. John, Geology
  • 2001: Dr. Margaret Werts, Language, Reading & Exceptionalities
  • 2000: Dr. Elizabeth Potter Jordan, School of Music; Dr. Alan Utter, Health, Leisure & Exercise Science
  • 1999: Dr. Frank Mohler, Theatre & Dance
  • 1998: Dr. Jeffry L. Hirst, Mathematical Sciences
  • 1997: Dr. David C. Nieman, Health, Leisure & Exercise Science