
Most of the following forms are now available using DocuSign, which allows for electronic routing of signatures. When submitting an electronic form, be aware that even the person who initiates the form will receive an email from DocuSign requesting a signature!

Note: Many of the forms on this page require that you login to access and submit the form. When you click on the login link there are two tabs a Log in tab and a Single Sign On Log in tab. To access the form you must click on the Single Sign On Log in tab and log in via that page. The default log in tab does not grant access to the form.


Admission Materials

FormInitiated By
Paper-Based Recommender Form
For recommenders who prefer not to complete the online form.

Scholarship and Fellowship Forms

FormInitiated By
Nomination for NC Tuition Scholarship
For department faculty/staff use.
Faculty or Staff
Scholarship/Fellowship Agreement Form(s)
For students who are awarded a NCTS or other fellowship through the Graduate School.
 Email via Docusign

Assistantship Appointment Forms

FormInitiated By
Request to Hire Graduate Assistant - All Types
All assistantship appointments now use the same electronic form. You will still need to submit ONE form per student per appointment.
Hiring Faculty or Staff
Assistantship Change or Termination Form Request - All Appointments
Only the original Preparer may submit a Change or Termination Request.
Hiring Faculty or Staff

Enrollment Forms

FormInitiated By
Special Course Approval Form
To sign up for thesis, dissertation, individual study, independent study - anything not in the schedule of classes.
Late Drop/Add Request FormStudent
Overload Request (complete in Self-Service by selecting Student Tab, Registration, Request Overload)
For individual students requesting to enroll in more than 12 hours F/S or more than 6 hours SS1/SS2.
Request for Special Permission Form
For senior undergraduate students, international exchange students, or graduate non-degree seeking students requesting to enroll in a graduate course.

Graduate Faculty Application


Visit the Graduate Faculty Membership page for guidelines and more info.

Initiated By
Full Membership ApplicationFaculty
Affiliate Membership ApplicationFaculty

Graduation from Degree or Certificate

FormInitiated By
Application for Graduation (apply in AppalNet)
For graduation from a Graduate Degree Program or completion of a Certificate Program. Visit the Graduation page for more info.
Request to Move Application for Graduation to a Different Semester (email)
Email from your account.
Replacement Diploma Order Form for Doctorate, Specialist, Master's, or Graduate Certificate Student

Program Change Request Forms - Degree and Certificate

Currently enrolled graduate students may request changes to their program(s), including changing from one program to another, adding another program, or removing a previously added program. Limitations to types of requests that can be made are noted in the forms. Please read the instructions for each form very carefully prior to submitting a request.

NOTE: Add Program requests will only be accepted and processed after the drop/add period for a term and by no later than the following deadlines: April 1 in Spring, July 1 in Summer, November 1 in Fall. All necessary signatures must be in place by the last day of the term, or the request will be denied for that term. Change Program requests will only be accepted and processed after the drop/add period for a term and by not later than the last day of classes in that same term (i.e., before Reading Day and Exams). Any requests submitted outside of these timeframes will be returned and must be resubmitted the following term.

FormInitiated By
Request a Change of Program
This form is specifically for current graduate students who wish to request a change of program. This form cannot be used if you intend to complete / graduate from your current program before starting classes in the new program; that requires the submission of a new online application for the new program. Prior to requesting a change of program, it is strongly advised that you speak with the program director of the program to which you wish to change.
Request to Add a Program
This form is specifically for current graduate students who wish to add a program to their current program of study. This form may NOT be used if you intend to complete / graduate from your current program before starting classes in the new program; that requires the submission of a new online application for the new program.
Request to Remove a Program
This form is specifically for graduate students who are enrolled in multiple programs and who wish to remove one of their current programs of study.

Program Materials - Degree and Certificate

FormInitiated By
Proficiency Completion (email)
Email from program director or chair sent to Charity; be sure to include subject of proficiency.
Admission to Candidacy
Thesis/dissertation committee form should be used unless "nonthesis."
Comprehensive Exam Report (Degree)Faculty
Comprehensive Exam Report (Certificate)Faculty
Qualifying or Preliminary Examination for Doctoral ProgramsFaculty
Product of Learning Report
Only required if the program does not require 5525 course.
Probation Contract and Action Plan
Download to complete for full form functionality.
Dismissal Recommendation FormFaculty

Program of Study Update Requests - Degree Programs

The following forms are for use by the Graduate Program Director to request updates to a student's degree program of study in DegreeWorks.

Program of Study Update Requests - Certificate Programs

The following forms are for use by the Graduate Program Director to request updates to a student's certificate program of study in DegreeWorks.

FormInitiated By
DegreeWorks Graduate Certificate Bulletin Change RequestFaculty
DegreeWorks Graduate Certificate Program ElectivesFaculty
DegreeWorks Transfer Credits Request for a Graduate Certificate ProgramFaculty
Substitutions in Certificate Program of Study (email)
This is strongly discouraged, to request an exception send an email to that includes the course substitution being requested with a justification.

Theses and Dissertations

FormInitiated By

Dissertation and Thesis Handbook

Thesis Committee Membership
Dynamic Form.
Thesis Committee Chair
Dissertation Committee Membership
Download before filling out.
 Dissertation Committee Chair
IRB Attestation Form
If IRB approval is pending.
Change of Thesis/Dissertation CommitteeThesis Committee Chair
External Membership Registration Faculty