Three-Minute Thesis Competition

The Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) is a competition in which graduate students explain their research or scholarly/creative projects in jargon-free language to a general "lay" audience in three minutes with the help of only one static PowerPoint slide. It was started at the University of Queensland (Australia) and has since been adopted at universities worldwide. The first-place winner in App State's local competition will represent the University at the regional competition held at the annual Conference of Southern Graduate Schools.

Competition Details

2024-2025 Competition: January 24, 2025   1:00 pm - 4:00 pm 

The competition begins at 1pm in the Plemmons Student Union 226 with Heat 1 followed by Heat 2.  The Final Competition begins at roughly 2:30pm in the Linville Falls Room (PSU 226).

The work presented does not have to be a traditional thesis and is open to GRAM research, capstones, and other academic projects. The competition is open to all graduate students including Boone campus, Hickory campus, and online. During the competition on January 24, you must present in person. If you are a graduate student meeting the eligibility criteria described below, we encourage you to register.

13th Annual 3MT Results



In order to help participants best prepare for this event we will schedule two Presentation Strategies workshops and send out notifications.  For 2024-2025 they will be:

  • 3MT Prep Workshop (FAQs & Slide Info) - Monday, November 11, 2024, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Zoom  Register here
  • 3MT Prep Workshop (Practice Presentations) - Thursday, January 16, 2025, 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Plemmons Student Union 169  Register here

We strongly encourage each participant to sign up for the workshops.


  1. Must be a currently enrolled graduate student in good standing at App State.
  2. The topic must come from a research or scholarly/creative project of significant scope (thesis, dissertation, capstone research, product of learning).  
  3. The topic must be interesting enough to hold the attention of a nonspecialist; think Smithsonian magazine, Discovery Channel, National Geographic.


  • One single static PowerPoint slide is permitted - no slide transitions, animations or 'movement' of any description.  
  • No additional electronic media (e.g., sound or video) are permitted.
  • No additional props (e.g., costumes, instruments, equipment) are permitted.
  • Competitors exceeding the 3 minute limit will be disqualified.
  • Presentations are to be spoken word (e.g., no songs), in English.
  • Presentations are considered to have commenced as soon as a presenter starts the presentation through movement or speech.
  • Presentations must be aimed at the educated non-specialist; no disciplinary jargon or specialized vocabulary can be used unless the explanation is part of the 3 minutes.  See these award winning presentations for examples.
  • All presentations must reflect research in progress or completed research; literature reviews alone are not acceptable, but work can be in progress.


The competition will be judged by a panel of faculty, community, industry, and alumni representatives. Judging will focus on the presentation, ability to communicate research to a non-specialist audience, and 3MT PowerPoint slide. Follow this link for tips on 3MT best practices.


  • First Place: $600 award*
  • Second Place: $400 award*
  • People’s Choice: $250 award*

* Award funds will be deposited directly into student accounts.


If you have any questions, please contact Ross Gosky at or Maureen Cathey at

Past Winners

YearFirst PlaceSecond PlacePeople's Choice
2024-25Jonathan Culpepper, TechnologySean Doherty, Exercise ScienceSteven Vogel, IOHRM
2023-24 Chijioke Agupugo, TechnologyDaniel Rose, TechnologyStella Cybulski, Public Administration
2022-23 Kelly Davis, PsyD, Clinical PsychologyRobert Onjiko, BiologySkyler Prowten, Psychology
2021-22 Robert Onjiko, BiologyMary Cait Massie, BiologyBreana Cook, Biology
2020-21 Blair Anderes, Athletic TrainingSarah Hill, BiologyCelia Whisman, Experimental Psychology
2019-20 Jimmy Wyngaarden, Experimental PsychologyJen Tinsley, Excercise ScienceImani Dillon, Marriage and Family Therapy
2018-19 Gita Gajjar, BiologyArina Cotuna, PsychologyAmanda Wilkinson, Biology
2017-18 Montana Eck, GeographyCassandra Smith, Experimental PsychologyCourtney Baines Smith, Educational Leadership
2016-17 Madelyn Sharp, Speech Language PathologyCiera Ferrone, Experimental PsychologyAmanda Hemric, Music Performance
2015-16 Reed Gurchiek, Exercise ScienceStephanie Lichiello, PsychologyLaura Ellis, Biology
2014-15 Audrey Brown, BiologyCourtney Rogers, PsychologyOlumide Awelewa, Health and Exercise Science
2013-14 Alex Kirk, PsychologyAmber Mellon, MathematicsScott Hopkins, Technology